In a previous life (well, this time last year) I was working on the genetic networks underlying cancer. In this incarnation I'm working on the genetic networks underlying aging (at least, I will be when we've finished building the databases, identifying data sources, obtaining and integrating the data, constructing the networks and having a couple of celebratory pints at the Trent House...) And it's becoming more and more apparent that there really isn't a lot of difference between the two networks.
From one persepctive, of course, that's a trivial observation. All human cells contain the same set of genes, so the Ultimate Network is the same. But of course different genes are expressed in different types of cell, so different subnetworks are actually active in different cells and at different times. And it turns out, perhaps not so surprisingly, that the sets of 'cancer' genes and 'aging' genes[1] have significant overlap.
One of the most downloaded articles from Nature was an editorial called 'Ageing: The price of tumor suppression?'[2], reporting on research published by Tyner
et al. in the same issue [3]. The Tyner team found that mice with mutations making the gene p53 (the 'guardian of the genome') more active appeared to have accelerated ageing. p53 is a tumor suppresor gene, and you'd expect that making it more active would be beneficial, in that it would protect against cancer, but the hapless beasties ended up with "reduced longevity, osteoporosis, generalized organ atrophy and a diminished stress tolerance". They reason (the researchers, not the mice) that ageing may be a side effect of the natural safeguards that protect us from cancer. Which would mean that combatting ageing by genetic means might just lead to a higher cancer risk. It's like the question all kids seem to ponder: would you rather die by drowning or by shooting?
Confusingly, there's a recent article in Science by Pinkston
et al.[4], who found that in
C. elegans, everybody's favourite worm, mutations that increase the lifespan also inhibit tumor growth - exactly the opposite of what you'd expect from the mouse models! I'm not sure how applicable this finding is to humans, though; worms don't usually get cancer, so they were genetically engineered to produce tumours, which means that the tumours are probably fairly unlike human tumours. Still it's an interesting finding, and highlights how little we know about the genetics of cell growth and death. Looks like I might be in a job for a while yet!
[1] Of course, there's no such thing as a gene for cancer, or just about anything else, media reports to the contrary. I'm just being lazy and using the usual shorthand for "a gene whose function (or malfunction) impacts the cancer phenotype.
[2] Ferbeyre, G. & Lowe, S. W. (2002). Ageing: The price of tunour suppression?
Nature 415:26 - 27.
[3] Tyner, S. D., Venkatachalam, S., Choi, J., Jones, S., Ghebraniousk, N., Igelmann, H., Lu, X., Soron, G., Cooper, B., Brayton, C., Park, S. H., Thompson, T., Karsenty, G., Bradley, A. & Donehower, L. A. (2002). p53 mutant mice that display early ageing-associated phenotypes.
Nature 415: 45 - 53.
[4] Pinkston, J. M., Garigan, D., Hansen, M. & Kenyon, C. (2006). Mutations That Increase the Life Span of
C. elegans Inhibit Tumor Growth.
Science 313:971 - 975.